Awwwwww yeeeeeeeee, Chapter 5 of Scumbag Loser, "An Unerasable Scent," is finally here! We have had some major set backs, from a swamped Typesetter to multiple blue screens of death, but if y'all are going by PST we're right on time huehuehue. All I can say is "Thank you Based God for Dropbox" cause otherwise we definitely would not have been able to release it at all this week.
Read Online: Batoto
Download: MediaFire
It's the first chapter of Volume 2 so peep the chapter listing on the cover flap if you want a really vague idea of what is to come. In addition to the hella nice cover art, we have a new credits page because we got four people on our team now. Shout outs new/temporary redrawer Bron!
I'd like to hold hands with you.
ReplyDeleteur walcome 2 tuts my barreh anytim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This MC's persecution complex is seriously overloaded in this chapter. Thanks for the release. Looking forward for more.
ReplyDeletehurrayyyyy we did it~ ;___;
ReplyDeleteOnce again...AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteamazing guys, just amazing tyty
ReplyDeleteWhat was with him being thin and "attractive" at the end of volume 1?
ReplyDeleteI don't get it.
This was addressed in the Batoto comments section:
Delete"It was obviously a troll as that very page stated itself really well. I'm confused you missed how clearly it was spelled out."
Thanks dudes.