Sunday, December 29, 2013

Scumbag Loser Chapter 6: Completely... Filled with Scents

ALRIGHT, IT'S HERE Y'ALL! Chapter 6 of Scumbag Loser, "Completely... Filled with Scents" is out now! I'm not even gonna front, I know the translation of the title sounds kind of wonky, but you'll get it when you read the chapter.

Read Online:  Batoto  (Lowkey, I think the mods hate me cause I fucked it up the first time.)
Download:      MediaFire

We hope you guys have a happy New Year! Don't get too wasted, and to any of the readers out there who have never been kissed (the kisses from your mom don't count), maybe you'll get lucky when the clock strikes midnight HUE. We'll see y'all in 2014!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

[MERRY CHRISTMAS] Scumbag Loser Chapter 6 Preview


Merry Christmas/happy holidays to anyone who has ever dropped by our site. I sincerely hope all of y'all get the gifts that you always wanted and that y'all get to spend time with people that care about you. If you don't celebrate anything, that's cool too.

Anyway, Scumbag Loser Chapter 6 will drop this Sunday, Dec. 29! GET HYPED.

Murai grows a pair this chapter and decides to fight back.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Scumbag Loser Chapter 5: An Unerasable Scent

Awwwwww yeeeeeeeee, Chapter 5 of Scumbag Loser, "An Unerasable Scent," is finally here! We have had some major set backs, from a swamped Typesetter to multiple blue screens of death, but if y'all are going by PST we're right on time huehuehue. All I can say is "Thank you Based God for Dropbox" cause otherwise we definitely would not have been able to release it at all this week.

Read Online:  Batoto
Download:      MediaFire

It's the first chapter of Volume 2 so peep the chapter listing on the cover flap if you want a really vague idea of what is to come. In addition to the hella nice cover art, we have a new credits page because we got four people on our team now. Shout outs new/temporary redrawer Bron!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Quick Update on Scumbag Loser Chapter 5

Really quick update, but chapter 5 of Scumbag Loser will be released this Sunday (12/8/13). No previews this time doe, cause I feel like if I cap anything I'll spoil the entire chapter. Instead, I'll give y'all the crazy huge version of the outside cover of volume 2. It's 6730px x 4744px and it's unedited so y'all can see all the dust and this pube that got trapped in the corner of the scanner. #LEGIT

Download (Jesus Christ, it's 21.4MB): Mediafire

Also, did y'all see what happened to Mangaupdates? I saw it and I was like

Even though the links to all the group sites and forums are gone, the good news is that we're still here and we'll be here until our domain expires. For future reference, if stops working or is taken down, you can still access our site through our Blogger URL .